Archives: 1998-1999 1999
14 December 1999. We've added a copy of Elia Zureik's
recently released paper on Public
Opinion and Palestinian Refugees , as well as
Donna Arzt's comments on Palestinian
Refugee Return to the "research materials" section
of PRRN.
1 December 1999. Some sample site statistics....
In the month of November, PRRN was vistied by more
than 1,000 visitors from the UN and 35 countries:
Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan,
Kyrgistan, Lebanon, Luxemberg, Malaysia, Mexico,
Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Singapore,
South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
23 November 1999. A link has been added on the front
of the PRRN site to Save the Children (UK)'s excellent
new "Eye-to-Eye" project on Palestinian refugees.
5 September 1999. The final version of the PRRN/IDRC
compensation workshop report is now available (see
below). Also, a paper by Ali Zeidan on "Environmental
Conditions on Palestinian Camps in Lebanon" has been
added to the research
papers section. Finally, PRRN can now be reached
at the easier-to-remember URL of,
in addition to the old McGill address.
30 July 1999 The DRAFT report of
the recent PRRN/IDRC " Workshop
on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution
to the Palestinian Refugee Problem " has been
posted to the site. The FINAL version will be posted
in mid-August; in the meantime, comments are welcomed.
25 April 1999 A direct front page
link has been added to the new UNRWA website.
1 April 1999 We're pleased to report that
IDRC and CIDA have renewed funding for PRRN through
Since their establishment, the PRRN, PDIN and the UNSCO
website have together recorded more than 22,000 visitors.
The frequency of visits, moreover, has increased over
time. As of March 1999, PRRN was hosting an average
of 146 users per week, while the UNSCO site was receiving
74 visits per week--a collective rate of over 10,000
per year.

The online survey of PRRN and UNSCO website visitors
has shown that while the majority of users are from
North America (to be expected, given the degree of
internet penetration in the US and Canada), a substantial
number of Europeans and a quite high proportion of
persons from the Middle East visit the sites.
Academic researchers and NGOs make up the two largest
identifiable groups of visitors, followed by government
officials and journalists.

Moreover, visitors report a very high level of satisfaction
with both the PRRN and the UNSCO websites, with over
60% describing the projects as "very useful."

With regard to the various email lists, these have
grown in both content and circulation:
- FOFOGNET (refugees) presently
reaches some 188 subscribers in 16 countries, including
academics, NGOs and policymakers. An average of
20 issues of FOFOGNET Digest are emailed each month,
each containing an average of two items.
- PALDEV (WB/Gaza development)
presently reaches 158 subscribers in 17 countries,
again including academics, NGOs and policymakers.
An average of 25 issues of PALDEV Digest are emailed
each month, each containing an average of three
5 January 1999 We've added a front
page link to DFAIT's new website on Canada
and the peace process . Also, check out the latest
UNSCO reports on NGOs and on social and economic
conditions in the West Bank and Gaza on the UNSCO
website .
30 November 1998 Today, PRRN received its 10,000th visitor.
Thanks for the support!
2 November 1998 There are new additions to the research
papers section, including an analysis of Palestinian
refugees and the peace process by Elia Zureik.
12 June 1998 The International Association for the
Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) will convene the
sixth International Research and Advisory Panel Conference
on Forced Migration (IRAP) in Gaza from 13-16 December
5 May 1998 BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency
and Refugee Rights is now online, and the link to there
can be found in the internet
resources section. 9 April 1998 We have started
to post some of the papers delivered at last month's
Warwick refugee conference . In addition, other new additions
to the research
papers section of PRRN include pieces by Rex Brynen
(on the refugee issue in general) and Issa Mahmoud
(on the historiography of the village of Lubya). 10
March 1998 A page has been created for the forthcoming
conference on "Resolving
the Palestinian Refugee Problem: What Role for the
International Community?" to be held at the University
of Warwick (UK) on 23-24 March 1998. Also, note that
the final conference summaries from the December 1997
IDRC/PRRN stocktaking conference on Palestinian refugee
research are also available online .
28 February 1998 Yet more additions to the PRRN website, many of them originating
on the new website of the Shaml Refugee and
Diaspora Centre in Ramallah. The research
papers section of PRRN now includes more than 75 online artcles, newsletters,
and surveys.
12 February 1998 There have been lots of additions to the PRRN website, starting
with a link to FAFO's very useful RWG
Projects page . We've also archived some new material in our own research
papers section , and posted the final conference report from the recent PRRN/IDRC
international "stocktaking" conference on Palestinian refugee research.