Research Materials on the Refugee Issue


Additional analyses and viewpoints are always welcomed. To submit material for consideration, contact the site coordinator


ANERA Newsletter (current and previous issues, via ANERA)

Article 74 (previous issue, via Badil)

Al-Majdal (BADIL's quarterly newsletter)

Refugee News (September 1997) special issue on the Palestinians (via RN)

Shaml Newsletter (current and previous issues, via Shaml)

Articles and Research Papers

Abdel Munem, Baker. "Palestine Refugees and the Right of Return." (via PLO Mission to Canada).

Abd al-Samad, Nada. [Palestinian settlement in Lebanon] al-Majallah (London) 9-15 April 1995.

Abdo, Nahla. Engendering Compensation: Making Refugee Women Count! Prepared for the Expert and Advisory Services Fund International Development Research Centre, March 2000.

Abu-Habib, Lina. "Education and the Palestinian Refugees of Lebanon: A Lost Generation?" Refugee Participation Network 21 (April 1996).

ABU-LIBDEH, Hasan, "Statistical Data on Palestinian Refugees; Prospects for Contribution to Final Settlement," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Abu-Sitta, Salman H. The Return of the Refugees; The Key to Peace (November/December 2000)

Abu-Sitta, Salman H. "The Feasibility of the Right of Return." (ICJ and CIMEL paper, June 1997).

Abu-Sitta, Salman H. "Restitution and Compensation." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Agha, Hussein and Robert Malley. "The Last Negotiation: How to End the Middle East Peace Process", Foreign Affairs 81(3), May 1st, 2002.

Altaqi, Samir, "An opinion about the Host Country position regarding the Palestinian Refugees issue," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Ajial Center: Statistics and Documentation Office. "Non-Governmental Organizations in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon." (posted November 5th, 2001)

Ittijah . Annual Ambassadorial Study Day, 1999: Palestinians in Israel: Absentees Property and Permanent Status. 7 December 1999.

Akram, Susan M., and Terry Rempel, "TEMPORARY PROTECTION FOR PALESTINIAN REFUGEES: A PROPOSAL," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Alpher, Yossi. "Refugees Forever?" Ramallah Online Newsletter, January 1st, 2002.

Altaqi, Samir, "An opinion about the Host Country position regarding the Palestinian Refugees issue," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Alterman, Rachelle, "Land and Housing Strategies for Immigrant Absorption: Learning from the Israeli Experience," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Aronson, Geoffrey, and Jan de Jong, "Proposal summary: Israeli Settlements and the Palestinian Refugee Question: Evaluating the Prospects and Implications of Settlement Evacuation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Arzt, Donna. "Negotiating the Last Taboo: The Palestinian Refugees." FOFOGNET Digest, 29-31 January 1996.

Arzt, Donna. Refugees Into Citizens: Palestinians and the End of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1996), executive summary.

Arzt, Donna. Refugees Into Citizens: Palestinians and the End of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1996), chapter 4.

Arzt, Donna. "Kick-Starting the Refugee Issue: The Peace Process and Track Two." International Development Research Center (Ottawa), 17 June 1997.

Arzt, Donna. "Refugees or Citizens? The Cornerstone of Middle East Peace." Canadian International Development Research Centre (Hull), 18 June 1997.

Arzt, Donna. "The Right to Compensation." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Arzt, Donna. "Palestinian Refugee Return." Paper presented to the Brookings-Sadat Forum, 7 December 1999.

BADIL, "The Impact of Return on Compensation for Palestinian Refugees." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Beilin, Yossi. "What really happened at Taba", Ha'aretz, July 16th, 2002.

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency Rights, "‘Representative Research’ – A Practical Approach to Durable Solutions for Palestinian Refugees as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Bainerman, Joel. "Palestinians Need Permanent Homes Now." np, nd.

Barakat, Daoud. "Compensation Position Paper." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Benvenisti, Eyal. "Principles and Procedures for Compensating Refugees." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Benvenisti, Eyal, "The Right of Return in International Law: An Israeli Perspective," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Besson, Yves. "The Right of Return and Compensation." Paper presented to the conference on "Resolving the Palestinian Refugee Problem: What Role for the International Community?" University of Warwick, 23-24 March 1998.

Boling, Gail J., J.D. "The 1948 Palestinian Refugees and the >Individual Right of Return: An International Law Analysis". (Full version / monograph) 2001: BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Bethlehem). (PDF File) (via BADIL)

Boling, Gail J., J.D. "The 1948 Palestinian Refugees and the >Individual Right of Return: An International Law Analysis". (Shorter, "discussion brief" version) BADIL Brief #8, 2001: BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Bethlehem). (PDF File) (via BADIL)

Borjas, George; Hausman, Leonard; Rodrik, Dani . "The Harvard Project on Palestinian Refugees." Paper presented to the European NGO Symposium on the Question of Palestine, September 1996.

Bowker, Bob. "The Political Management of Change in UNRWA." PRRN/IDRC/RIIA Workshop on The Future of UNRWA, Minster Lovell (UK), 19-20 February 2000.

Brynen, Rex.Sanctuary and Survival: The PLO in Lebanon (Boulder: Westview Press, 1990).

Brynen, Rex. "The Funding of Palestinian Refugee Compensation." FOFOGNET Digest (revised March 1996).

Brynen, Rex. "Imagining a Solution: Final Status Arrangements and Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon." Journal of Palestine Studies 26, 2 (Winter 1997).

Brynen, Rex. "Statehood Key to Refugee Solution [interview]." Palestine Report, 25 April 1997.

Brynen, Rex. "Much Ado About Nothing? The Refugee Working Group and the Perils of Multilateral Quasi-negotiation." International Negotiation, 2, 2 (November 1997).

Brynen, Rex. "Palestinian Refugees and the Middle East Peace Process."New Hampshire International Seminar/Yale-Maria Lecture in Middle East Studies, University of New Hampshire, 3 April 1998

Brynen, Rex. "Financing Palestinian Refugee Compensation." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Brynen, Rex, "Refugees, Repatriation, and Development: Some Lessons from Recent Work," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Brynen, Rex. "The Future of UNRWA: An Agenda for Policy Research." PRRN/IDRC/RIIA Workshop on The Future of UNRWA, Minster Lovell (UK), 19-20 February 2000.

Brynen , Rex, Eileen Alma, Joel Peters, Roula el-Rifai and Jill Tansley, "The 'Ottawa Process': An Examination of Canada’s Track Two Involvement in the Palestinian Refugee Issue," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Brynen, Rex; Tansley, Jill. "The Refugee Working Group of the Middle East Multilateral Peace Negotiations." Israel-Palestine Journal 2, 4 (Autumn 1995).

Brynen, Rex, "The Roadmap and the Refugees," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Clinton, William J. "Transcript of Clinton Remarks at Israel Policy Forum Gala, January 7th, 2001" Washington, Jan. 8 /U.S. Newswire/.

Davis, Uri. Palestinian Refugees at the Crossroads of 1996 Permanent Status Negotiations. Shaml Monograph 1 (via Shaml) .

Dumper, Mick, "An EU Study on the Return and Re-integration of Palestinian Refugees and Displaced Persons: A summary," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

El-Abed, Oroub, "Palestinians in Egypt," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

El-Abed, Oroub, "The invisible Palestinians of Egypt Refugees face discrimination, poverty and no access to basic services,"
Daily Star (Beirut) - Opinion Section, 18 August 2003.

Eldar, Akiva. "The revolutionary road to 194", Ha'aretz Monday, July 22, 2002.

Eldar, Akiva. "'Moratinos Document' -  The peace that nearly was at Taba", Ha'aretz, February 14th, 2002.

Eldar, Akiva, "The Israeli Media and the refugee Problem," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Eldar, Akiva. "How to solve the Palestinian refugee problem". Ha'aretz Tuesday, May 29, 2001; and Sir, if you please, tear down your house" (Ha'aretz, Thursday, May 31, 2001)

Endresen, Lena C. and Geir Ovensen. The Potential of UNRWA Data for Research on Palestinian Refugees: A study of UNRWA Administrative Data. Fafo Report 176. (Oslo: Fafo, 1994). (via Fafo)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL AID DURING THE SECOND INTIFADA (Report III, December 2001) An Analysis of Palestinian Public Opinion in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on their Living Conditions (15 June - 31 October 2001) Posted April 2002.(PDF file, 657KB)

Farah, Randa. Report on the Psychological Effects of Overcrowding in Refugee Camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Prepared for the Expert and Advisory Services Fund - International Development Research Centre (IDRC). April 2000.

Fischbach, Michael. "Who Owns What?" Le Monde Diplomatique English edition (August-September 1997).(via Le Monde)

Fischbach, Michael R., "The Usefulness of the UNCCP Archives for Palestinian Refugee Compensation/Restitution Claims," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Gilen, Signe; Hovdenak, Are; Maktabi, Rania; Pedersen, Jon and Tuastad, Dag. Finding Ways: Palestinian Coping Strategies in Changing Enviroments. Fafo Report 177. (Oslo: Fafo, 1994). (via Fafo)

Gold, Dore. "There Will Be a Joint Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian Solution in Judea and Samaria.". Interview in Yediot Ahronot, 4 June 1996 (via IIS)

Grinstein, Gidi, "Israel, Capping & the International Mechanism," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Haddad, Simon. "The Palestinian Predicament in Lebanon". Middle East Quarterly Vol. 7(3) pp. 29. Webposted February 15th, 2002.

Haddad, Simon. "Palestinians in Lebanon: Towards Integration or Conflict?" PRRN, webposted 14 May 2000.

Hammarberg, Thomas. "The Palestinian Refugees: After Five Decades of Betrayal - Time at Last?" (Stockholm: Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000). webposted 3 October 2000.

Hanafi, Sari. "Opening the Debate on the Right of Return". (Middle East Report 222, Spring 2002)

Hanafi, Sari, "The impact of Social Capital on the Eventual Repatriation Process of Refugees: Study of Economic and Social Transnational Kinship Networks in the Palestinian Territories and Israel," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Hanssen-Bauer, Jon, and Laurie Blome Jacobsen, "Living in provisional normality – The living conditions of Palestinian refugees in the host countries of the Middle East," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Hazboun, Norma Masriyeh. Israeli Resettlement Schemes for Palestinian Refugees in the Gaza Strip since 1967. Shaml Monograph 4 (via Shaml)

Heacock, Roger. "Locals and Returnees in the Palestinian National Authority." Our Voice October 1999. (via Birzeit University)

al-Husseini, Jalal. "Observations on Compensation in the Palestinian Refugees' Case." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Human Rights Watch. "Syria/Lebanon, An Alliance Beyond the Law: Enforced Disappearances in Lebanon" HRW/ME 9, 3 (May 1997).

Human Rights Watch. "Israel, the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Authority Territories / Jenin: IDF Military Operations". HRW 14, 3 (E) (May 2002).

al-Husayni, Manar-al-Huda. [Lebanon and the Peace Process: excerpts on refugees] al-Majallah (London), 18-24 February 1996.

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information. "Palestinian Refugees and the Negotiations for Permanent Status, Survey Report, August 2001

Issa, Mahmoud. "Decoding the Silencing Process in Modern Palestinian Historiography." Paper presented to the conference on "Worlds and Visions: Perspectives on the Middle East Today," University of Århus, Denmark, 5-7 December 1997.

Kanaana, Sharif. "Patterns of Palestinian Exodus,"Our Voice, (September 1998). (via Birzeit University)

Karsh, Efraim. "Rights and Wrongs: History of the Palestinian 'Right of Return'".The Review (Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council). June 2001. (via AIJAC)

Khashan, Hilal. Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Behind the Debate. Montreal Papers in Contemporary Arab Studies 1 (April 1994).

Khouri, Ghada. "As Burdens Grow, UNRWA Lebanon Budget Imperiled,"Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (December 1997). (via WRMEA)

Koltermann, Ulrike. "Who Really Wants Them? Palestinians in Lebanon Fed-up with being a Bargaining Chip." Jerusalem Times 27 June 1997.

Kubursi, Atif A. "Palestinian Losses in 1948: Calculating Refugee Compensation" Centre for Policy Analaysis on Palestine Information Brief No 81, 3, August 2001.

Lee, Luke. "The Issue of Compensation for Palestinian Refugees." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Lowy, Gideon. "The Fear of Return." Haaretz (19 August 1997).

Lustick, Ian S. "Negotiating Truth: The Holocaust, Lehavdel, and al-Nakba". (posted April 2002).

Lustick, Ian S. "Through Blood and Fire Shall Peace Arise" (Tikkun Magazine, May/June 2002). (via

Lynk, Michael. "The Right to Compensation in International Law and the Displaced Palestinians", (January 2001).

Marmor, Andrei, "Entitlement to Land and the Right of Return: An Embarrassing Challenge for Liberal Zionism", University of Southern California - Law School, 2003.

Marshy, Mona. The Social and Psychological Effects of Overcrowding: in Palestinian Refugee Camps in the West Bank and Gaza Literature Review and Preliminary Assessment of the Problem. Prepared for the International Development Research Centre. March 2000.

Masalha, Nur. Israeli Plans to Resettle Palestinian Refugees, 1948-72. Shaml Monograph 2 (via Shaml)

Al-Mawed, Dr. Hamad Said. "The Palestinian Refugees in Syria: Their Past, Present, and Future". Prepared for the Expert and Advisory Services Fund - International Development Research Centre, June 2000
Marx, Emanuel. "Refugee Compensation: Why the Parties have been Unable to Agree and Why it is Important to Compensate Refugees for Losses" Pp. 102-108 in Palestinian Refugees: Old Problems - New Solutions, Joseph Ginat and Edward J. Perkins (eds.). Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001.

Al-Masri, Hani, "Palestinian and Arabic Media and the Issue of Refugees," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Mendes, Philip. "A Historical Controversy: The Causes of the Palestinian Refugee Issue."

Morris, Benny. "Camp David and After: An Exchange (1. An Interview with Ehud Barak)" | Hussein Agha, Robert Malley "(2. A Reply to Ehud Barak). New York Review of Books, June 13th, 2002.

Nabulsi, Karma, "Participatory Models of Democracy and the Refugee Issue Working Paper," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Nasser, Maher, "Palestine Refugee Records Project," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Nathanson, Roby, "Survey of Palestinian Refugee Real Estate Holdings in Israel: Legal Mechanisms after 1948 which Enable Accurate Identification of Real Estate Owned by Palestinian Refugees And a Proposed Compensation Model accordingly," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Newman, David. "Palestinian Refugee Resettlement: Learning from the Israeli Development Town and Mass Immigration Experience of the 1950's and 1990's", (prepared for Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet, July 2000.)

Nijem, Khalil, "Planning in Support of Negotiations: The Refugees Issue," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

O'Neil, Maureen. "Opening Comments." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Oxfam GB Briefing Paper - March 1999 Palestinian Refugees and the UN Relief and Works Agency

Palestine Economic Pulse. "UNRWA: Cutting the Fat or Heading for Starvation?." Palestine Economic Pulse 2, 4 (July-August 1997).

Palestine Report. "Commentary: It All Comes Back to 194." Palestine Report 2, 4 (28 June 1996).

Parvathaneni, Harish, "Who are the refugees: social, economic and legal conditions," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Patel, Vandana, "A Comparative Analysis of Mass Claims Mechanisms," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Peretz, Don. "Palestinian Refugee Compensation." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Peteet, Julie. "From Refugees to Minority: Palestinians in Post-War Lebanon" Middle East Report 200 (July-September 1996).

Quigley, John. "Compensation for Palestinian Refugees." PRRN/IDRC Workshop on Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive Solution to the Refugee Problem, Ottawa, 14-15 July 1999.

Rabah, Ramzi. Palestinian Refugees, Displaced, and the Final Status Negotiations. (Beirut: Arab Progress House, 1996).

Rabbani, Mouin, and Jalal Al-Husseini, "PALESTINIAN REFUGEES: POLITICAL MOBILISATION AND PERMANENT SETTLEMENT," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Radler, David, Understanding the roots of the problem, "Refugees forever? Issues in the Palestinian-Israel Conflict", Jerusalem Post, 2003.

Rekacewicz, Philippe. "Palestinian refugees living in the middle east". Le Monde diplomatique, February 2002.

Right of Return: Joint Parliamentary Middle East Councils Commission of Enquiry - Palestinian Refugees (Published by Labour Middle East Council, Conservative Middle East Council, Liberal Democrat Middle East Council. London, March 2001.) (PDF File, 1.44 MB)

Roberts, Nigel. "Prospects for the Palestinian Economy." Paper presented to the conference on "Resolving the Palestinian Refugee Problem: What Role for the International Community?" University of Warwick, 23-24 March 1998.

SALAMEH, SAJI, "Engaging the Public Opinion," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Salem, Tanja. "Palestinian Refugees: How Can a Durable Solution Be Achieved?" (Middle East & Euro-Med Working Paper no. 6, July 2003 - Free online PDF download)

Sayigh, Rosemary, "No Work, No Space, No Future: Palestinan in Lebanon" Middle East International, 10 August 2001.

Sayigh, Rosemary. "Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon." FOFOGNET Digest, 28 June - 3 July 1996.

  • Comments (by Leila Zacharia, Rex Brynen, Elaine Hagopian, Hussein Amery and Salim Tamari).

Sayigh, Rosemary. "Dis/Solving the Refugee Problem." Middle East Report Summer 1998 (via MERIP)

Sayre , Ward, and Olmsted, Jennifer. "Economics of Palestinian Return Migration." Middle East Report, Fall 1999. (via MERIP)
Schiff, Ben . "UNRWA in Transition." PRRN/IDRC/RIIA Workshop on The Future of UNRWA, Minster Lovell (UK), 19-20 February 2000.

Segal, Jerome. "Right of Return Confusions". University of Maryland, 13 January 2000.

Segal, Jerome. "Right of Return Confusions". University of Maryland, 13 January 2000.

Shehadi, Nadim, "Who Can Discuss What? The need for a comprehensive mechanism," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Shiblak, Abbas, "Statelessness among Palestinian Refugees," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Siegel, Ellen. "After Nineteen Years: Sabra and Shatila Remembered". Middle East Policy Council: Middle East Policy 8(4) December 2001.

Shenhav, Yehuda, "What do Palestinians and Arab-Jews Have in Common? Nationalism and Ethnicity Examined Through the Compensation Question", Tel-Aviv University, 2003.

Shenhav, Yehuda, "Jews from Arab Countries and the Palestinian Right for Return: An Ethnic Community in Realms of National Memory", British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 29(1): 27-56, 2002.

Shikaki, Khalil, "The Right of Return", Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2003.

Tamari, Salim. Return, Resettlement, Repatriation: The Future of Palestinian Refugees in the Peace Negotiations. Final Status Strategic Studies, Institute for Palestine Studies. April 1996.

Tamari, Salim. 'Adaptation' in the West Bank and Gaza. Prepared for RWG intersessional. April 1996.

Van-Hear, Nicholas. Reintegration of Palestinian Returnees. Shaml Monograph 6 (via Shaml)

The World Bank, "HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE: SCENARIOS FOR REFUGEES AND DISPLACED PERSONS," IDRC Stocktaking II Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research, Ottawa, 17-20 June 2003.

Zacharia, Leila. "The Situation of Palestinian Refugees."A paper delivered to the June 1995 NACC, and posted to FOFOGNET Digest, 5-7 July 1996.

Zacharia, Leila. "Poverty Intensification Strategies: The Case of Palestinian Refugees."January 1997; posted to FOFOGNET Digest, 3 March 1997.

Zeidan, Ali M. "Environmental Conditions in Palestinian Camps in Lebanon." Posted to FOFOGNET Digest on 5 September 1999.

Zerriffi, Maren. Refugee Compensation: Selected Cases and Source Materials. Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet, July 1999.

Zerriffi, Maren. Preliminary Thoughts on US Financing of a Compensation Regime for Palestinian Refugees. FOFOGNET Digest 197 (17 July 2000).

Zureik, Elia. "Review of: Schiff, Refugees Unto the Third Generation." FOFOGNET Digest, 23-24 March 1996.

Zureik, Elia. Palestinian Refugees and the Peace Process. Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1996. (via IPS)

Zureik, Elia. "Public Opinion and Palestinian Refugees." Paper presented at the UQAM conference on The Middle East Peace Process: Costs of Instability and Outlook for Insecurity, 22-23 October 1998.

Zureik, Elia. "Palestinian Refugees and Public Opinion." Paper prepared for the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, December 1999.

Zureik, Elia. "Palestinian Refugees Must Be Allowed to Choose: Middle East: Israel's rejection of the right of return goes against international law". Los Angeles Times, 10 August 2000.

Opinion Surveys

Lerner, Aaron. "Beilin Pushed for Palestinian Poll of his Plan." IMRA (2 January 1997).

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Rex Brynen * *  4 March, 2003.