Sanctuary and Survival:
The PLO in Lebanon
Boulder: Westview Press, 1990
by Rex Brynen
Since December 1987 and the eruption of a widespread
and sustained Palestinian uprising (intifada) in the
Israeli-occupied territories, the focus of political
and diplomatic attention in the continuing Palestinian-Israeli
conflict has shifted decisively to the West Bank and
Gaza Strip. The declaration of a yet-to-be-realized
independent Palestinian state by the Palestine Liberation
Organization in November 1988 reflected this, ushering
in a new phase in the history and development of the
Palestinian nationalist movement. Yet the occupied
territories have not always represented the practical
center-of-gravity of the Palestinian movement-a movement
much of whose political evolution has necessarily
occurred in exile. After the June 1967 Arab-Israeli
war, and even more so after the suppression of the
PLO in Jordan in 1970, it was Lebanon that emerged
as the primary political and military headquarters
of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
As a consequence, Lebanon would come to occupy an
important place in the evolution of Palestinian political
strategy and discourse. At the same time, however,
the Palestinian presence in Lebanon would also have
an important impact on that country's precarious social
order. The PLO would serve to catalyze internal challenges
to the Lebanese status quo, becoming a part (unwilling
or otherwise) in Lebanon's mounting internal political
struggles. The Palestinian armed presence would also
attract increasing external intervention in Lebanon
by both Arab regimes and Israel, culminating in Israel's
1982 invasion and the consequent withdrawal of PLO
personnel from Beirut.
This study is an analysis of the PLO's "Lebanese
era" and its aftermath, of the changing position
of the Palestinian nationalist movement in Lebanon
from its initial emergence in the late 1960s through
the 1982 war to the present. It focuses on the PLO's
efforts to maintain for itself a secure political
and military base of operations in Lebanon, and on
the broader impact of Lebanon on the political dynamics
and development of the Palestinian movement. It attempts
to do so in a theoretical context that highlights
the dilemmas intrinsic in all relationships between
insurgent movements and those third-party states that
may provide them shelter and sanctuary. This latter
issue is the explicit focus of Chapter 1, wherein
dilemmas of insurgent-sanctuary relations are outlined,
and a number of possible insurgent responses identified.
The chapter also discusses how insurgent policy-formation
and the protection of sanctuary itself are likely
to be tied to inherent problems of insurgent authority
and decision-making. Chapters 2 through 6 examine
in detail the PLO's experiences in Lebanon from the
1960s through to 1982. Chapter 7 evaluates the strengths,
weaknesses and evolution of PLO policy in Lebanon
during this critical period. Finally, Chapter 8 surveys
the PLO's post-1982 position in Lebanon. It illuminates
the extent to which the Palestinian movement's current
challenges in Lebanon are rooted in the legacies of
earlier behavior and policy. And it discusses the
interrelationship between the PLO's "Lebanese
era," the intifada, and current Palestinian efforts
to achieve self-determination and an independent state.
This study derives data from a number of sources,
but especially from fieldwork in the Middle East in
1986-87 and 1989. It would not have been possible
without the help of numerous institutions and individuals.
The American University in Cairo, University of Calgary
and McGill University each offered in turn invaluable
facilities and positive research environments; the
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada, and the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund
provided the necessary research funds. I am particularly
grateful to Paul Noble, Ibrahim Abu Lughod, Walid
Kazziha, As'ad 'Abd al-Rahman and Lamis Andoni for
their comments and advice, and to Barbara Ellington
at Westview Press. I also wish to thank all those
who consented to grant research interviews, some of
whom are listed in the bibliography. A great many
others must unfortunately remain unnamed; my gratitude
to them is in no way diminished by that fact. None,
of course, bear responsibility for any errors, omissions
or conclusions herein; those remain the sole responsibility
of the author.
Finally, my largest debt of gratitude is due my wife,
Alex, for her unflagging encouragement, creative criticism,
and practical assistance. Long may our collaborations
continue. |