Engendering Compensation:
Making Refugee Women Count!
Prepared for the Expert and Advisory Services
Fund International Development Research Centre
by Nahla Abdo
March 2000 - Ottawa
1. Introduction
Engendering the compensation process, the focus of
this paper, is an attempt to reduce existing gender
inequalities among Palestinian refugees and ensure
a more visible role for Palestinian women in the compensation
process. Engendering refugee compensation negotiations
entails, among other things, the delineation of gender
aspects of refugee conditions, experiences and expectations,
which in turn can result in a more integrative and
inclusive study of refugees. In seeking to provide
a comprehensive and inclusive approach to dealing
with various aspects of refugee problems whether at
the academic (e.g., research or study) level or at
the political level of regional or international negotiations,
this paper will argue for the importance of integrating
gender in all aspects of negotiations on refugee issues.
The concept of gender must be treated as integral
to any approach to refugees, as it penetrates and
defines the lived experiences, expectations and aspirations
of all refugee communities. Including gender as an
integral element of the compensation process helps
illuminate the impact gender inequalities have had
on the structure and character of the community prior
to its becoming refugees; it delineates the differential
experiences of males and females during conflict,
and the differential experiences they have had in
refugee camps, both in Palestine and in the diaspora.
In seeking to establish a gender perspective as a
fundamental element for an inclusive approach to discussing
refugee compensation, this paper will examine three
broad areas:
- The significance of gender in comprehending Palestinian
refugees, provided within the context of deconstructing
the Israeli/Palestinian conflict;
- Gender and compensation from an international perspective;
- Engendering the compensation process of the Israeli/Palestinian
negotiations. Specifically, this section engenders
the modalities outlined within the "Report on
the Workshop on the Compensation as Part of a Comprehensive
Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Problem".
Before proceeding and in order to establish a framework
for the relationship between gender and compensation,
the concept of gender will be defined and consequently
related to the context of Palestinian refugee compensation.