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Speech by Chamber of Deputies Speaker Nabih Birri during a celebration honoring him in 'Abra on 27 November

Source: excerpted from Radio Lebanon (Beirut) 1705 GMT 27 November 1994. [FBIS]


Israel is creating events in the region so that it can propose alternatives which are an actual reproduction of the geography of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as they were before the June 1967 war. This will eliminate all possibilities for creating a Palestinian entity and will then force the Palestinian refugees, wherever they are, particularly in Lebanon, to be assimilated. This conspiracy--dear brothers I declare this from east of Sidon--is now in full swing. Canada is the country responsible for resettling the Palestinians and for this conspiracy against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. I say this from my position of responsibility. Yes, the Canadian Government is doing its utmost to resettle the Palestinians in Lebanon at the expense of Lebanon and Palestine.


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