GENEVA, DECEMBER 12-14, 1995
As past of the Middle East Peace Process Multilateral Negotiations, the
eighth plenary meeting of the Refugee Working Group is being held in Geneva
December 12-14, 1995. Switzerland is hosting over 45 international
delegations at the meeting. Canada is the chair or "gavel-holder" of the
Refugee Working Group.
The Refugee Working Group is part of the multilateral track of the Middle
East Peace Process. This track addresses broad regional issues whose
solutions require coordinated action and the international community's
support. Established in Moscow in January, 1992, the Refugee Working Group
complements and supports the bilateral peace process' efforts to resolve the
Palestinian refugee question.
The Refugee Working Group focuses on seven main themes, each with a lead
country or "shepherd". The themes are Data Bases (the shepherd for which is
Norway), Family Reunification (shepherded by France), Human Resources
Development (the U.S.A), Job Creation and Vocational Training (also the
U.S.A.), Public Health (Italy), Child Welfare( Sweden) and Economic and
Social Infrastructure (the European Union). In cooperation with the regional
parties, the shepherds are responsible for defining needs, developing
responses and mobilizing required resources. During the plenary session,
each shepherd will be making a report on the progress achieved under their
theme since the last plenary.
The Refugee Working Group is one of five Working Groups in the multilateral
track of the peace process. The other Working Groups deal with water
resources, environment, regional economic development, and arms control and
regional security issues.
A press conference will be held following the meeting at 3:00pm on Thursday,
December 14, 1995 at the Noga Hilton Hotel, Geneva, site of the meeting.
Rex Brynen * * 17 May 1996